2005 Best Australian Capital Territory Blog

The winner in the categories of –

sm_act.jpg Best Australian Capital Territory Blog is


who beat Teej Mahal on a countback when both had 50% of the vote when all other candidates were eliminated. The round prior, Crazybrave had a considerable lead (12.7% to be exact) but with a large portion of The Riotact‘s preferences going to Teej Mahal, things were all tied… if only there’d been one more vote in that preference distribution… if only… but you know what they say… “if my auntie had balls, she’d be my uncle”.

At least this year I knew how to handle the situation without having to contact the AEC.

Anyway… prior to distribution of preferences it was Crazybrave 28.1%, Teej Mahal 25.0% and The Riotact 17.2%.