Canon EOS Photo5 Competition

Canon EOS Photo5

I got my Canon EOS Photo5 competition package in the mail yesterday.

Now I just have to get my creative juices flowing with the following items:

  • 1 x Red Ribbon
  • 1 x Tea Light (candle)
  • 1 x Yellow Faber Castell Crayon
  • 1 x Cockatil Umbrella
  • Bubbles

I know what you’re thinking… two blog posts on the same day? What’s going on here?

Well… I’m stuck at home with a “sprained1” knee and what better way to wait for the roll-over on DPC than to blog and look for inspiration for the Photo5 competition.

  1. I’m hoping that is all it is… would hate to have another knee reconstruction on it… will find out later this week how serious it is []

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