Category General

Michael Crawled

Michael crawled yesterday. Until now, he’s been using his legs to push himself around but his arms hadn’t helped his movement until yesterday. In the past, whenever he’d try to use his arms, he’d go into “sky dive mode” (ie…

Michael’s Says “Tato”

Michael’s first word some time ago ie a couple of months ago, were “De Te” which is “where are you” in Ukrainian (basically the Ukrainian equivalent of “peek-a-boo”. Some time ago he also said “Tato” ie dad in Ukrainian but…

Michael’s Third and Fourth

Michael’s third and fourth teeth have also cut through today. No wonder he’s been crabbie lately, as crabbie as he get. Just returned seven videos that I borrowed last week. They were Mulan (for Tatiana) – Tatiana loved it and…

The Tampa

With all the contraversy surrounding the recent events off the coast of Christmas Is. with the Afgan refugee’s on the Norwegian cargo ship Tampa, my thoughts are of the “historical precedent” set by the SS. St Louis and how most…

Can You Kick It

It’s been some time since my last entry. There have been many occassions where I’ve had a profound thought and I’ve made a mental note to incluse it on the blog, but alas… I always forget the thought when the…

Philosophers Magazine

A deep and meaningful site that is a MUST visit is TPM. The Philosophers Magazine has some seriously interesting stuff and I’ve spent some time in the Fun and Games sections.