Self Portraits For People Who Can’t Draw

Self Portrait

Self Portrait made using Portrait Illustration Maker

I’ve mentioned avatar creators in the past… and how they may be used to generate a customised avatar or icon for use on a forum etc…

Abi-Station probably have the best set of online software which lets you make your avatar, icon, or portrait.

Self Portrait - Icon

Icon made using Portrait Icon Maker

If however, none of these appeal to you, and you’d rather create one similar to that which appears in my banner… you’ll have to get yourself an account at Gaia Online, earn some points an purchase a wardrobe… or you could just cheat and photoshop a final product to your liking.

With all these tools at my disposal, I might even be able to knockup a comic strip or two… just a matter of having the time.


  1. Call it “artistic license” or put it down to self image in the minds eye or even the limitations of the tool used (poor tradesman that I am), that IS SUPPOSED to be a self portrait… 🙂

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