Melbourne’s Southern Star

Melbourne’s “Southern Star”. Melbourne’s attempt at a London Eye type tourist attraction, except, it’s poorly situated and stopped turning after only a matter of weeks when stress fractures were detected in the structure.   Southern Star viewed from across the…

Happy New Year 2009

Well, 2009 is now upon us and to mark the occasion, which doubles as the 8th anniversary of my first blog post, I feel the need to announce some New Years resolutions. Now, I’m not going to make unreasonable resolutions…

Canon EOS Photo5 Competition

I got my Canon EOS Photo5 competition package in the mail yesterday. Now I just have to get my creative juices flowing with the following items: 1 x Red Ribbon 1 x Tea Light (candle) 1 x Yellow Faber Castell…


Wordle of this site Logged into flickr for the first time in ages and found an invite for Wordle from pixelkitty from back in June. Figured I’d have a play with it and created this from the text on this…

Gold Coast Football Club

"GC" – Gold Coast FC's mascot So the AFL have announced the name and colours of its next expansion team… the “Gold Coast Football Club“. The biggest surprise is that they’ve opted to not give the club a nickname… largely…


Palacio de Cristal, Parque del Buen Retiro, Madrid It’s been over two months since my trip to Madrid and I still haven’t posted anything about it here. Life gets in the way of blogging. Anyway, all I can really say…

To Photoblog or Not?

Giraffe Casts a Long Shadow Much of my online time of late has been spent at DPChallenge and I’ve been considering changing this blog to a photoblog. Just thinking about it at the moment… It seems as I continue to…

Baby Got Book

I stumble across one of the funniest things I’ve seen in a LONG time. A bit of background first, so you don’t get any ideas about what it is I spend my time on the internet looking at. I was…