Victims of “Friendly Fire”
US military wanted 'sex bomb'...
US military wanted 'sex bomb'...
It’s good to be back… I’ve missed blogging. At first I was too busy to blog, but when things settled and I went to login to movabletype… I couldn’t. It’s completely stuffed… no great loss though as I was going…
Colophon – coming soon!
A little over a month ago, a friend forwarded an article from The Age which inspired the following rant (you might want to read the article first… to get an idea of what I’m ranting about). It’s an interesting article…
Merrideth aka mcb has issues another writing challenge. I didn’t take-up last weeks challenge, but I’m feeling adventurous this week. But, to add to the challenge, I’m going to do write my paragraphs on today’s BlogFodder topic – The habits…
New photos of the kids on the photos page for our family overseas. Not getting much of an opportunity to post here anymore, as when I get the chance, I usually pontificate at another of my sites. While I’m here…
It has been months since I last blogged. This blog will attempt to record some of the milestones Michael has surpassed since the last blog. I’ve got these written on a Post-It note and here goes the informations transfer. 13th…
Today saw Michael lift himself to a standing position unaided for the first time. We were at Michele’s parents place and Michael held on to a cardboard box and stood up, soon later he lost his balance and fell over.
Played indoor cricket this evening and won my first ever “man of the match”. I was told that I was entitled to a drink at the sports bar as a result. I ordered my drink and had the certificate taken…