The Frying Dutchman
Just upgraded to WordPress 2.5 and thought I’d attempt a post to try out the install… The image above is a drawing a friend did of the band I was was in back in 1995. We were called “The Frying…
Just upgraded to WordPress 2.5 and thought I’d attempt a post to try out the install… The image above is a drawing a friend did of the band I was was in back in 1995. We were called “The Frying…
As you can imagine, with me being a father of FOUR now, I don’t have much spare time to blog now days… but why the absence of activity here prior to little Stefan’s arrival? Well, aside from a wife and…
Despite the sound of it, the Musical Baton meme has nothing to do with orchestra conductors or marching bands and twirling Natalie has generously passed me the Musical Baton, which will give you an insight into my musical tastes (supposedly).…