I’m back

It’s good to be back… I’ve missed blogging. At first I was too busy to blog, but when things settled and I went to login to movabletype… I couldn’t. It’s completely stuffed… no great loss though as I was going…

Real Indication of Olympic Greatness – BTUSAF

The “Unfogettable, Dream Games” i.e. the 2004 Olympics are over.  Over the past two weeks there has been much talk about the medal tally.  Debate as to whether the “Gold” or the “Total” tally is more important has raged over…

Medicare and Education Rant

A little over a month ago, a friend forwarded an article from The Age which inspired the following rant (you might want to read the article first… to get an idea of what I’m ranting about). It’s an interesting article…

St George’s – Grenada

A few months ago I posted a panorama of New York I took back in 1998. Well, I finally got around to doing another of the panoramas from that trip. This one is of St George’s, Grenada taken from Fort…