The Frying Dutchman

Just upgraded to WordPress 2.5 and thought I’d attempt a post to try out the install… The image above is a drawing a friend did of the band I was was in back in 1995. We were called “The Frying…

MCG: Fun Exclusion Zone?

One of the guys from Collective Apathy has asked me to post a rant on my site… seems that the Collective Apathy site is still down, denying Shovel of his outlet. So here is his rant, in full and unedited.…

Public Transport

No, this is not going to be a rant about the state of public transport in Melbourne… If that is what you want Daniel Bowen might be your best bet. 😛 No… this post is documenting my first commute to…

Welcome to Scotland

The Scottish government have just spent £125,000 on a new national slogan to be used sell Scotland to visitors, and the best they could get for their money was “Welcome to Scotland” Hardly what you’d call imaginative. Reckon they were…

Mobile Blogging

I’ve been trying to get mobile blogging working here so that I can post from my newish mobile1 , however I hit a slight snag with my host ISP bouncing email sent from my mobile’s email account. I think I’ve…


Just watched a couple of repeat episodes of ABCs “Standup!”, which was hosted by Meshel Laurie Seriously though, watching this made me really miss “The Big Gig”, which “Standup!” was supposed to be a rehash of, except Meshel wasn’t as…

FIFA Women’s World Cup – Refereeing

Just watched part of the 2nd semi-final at the Women’s World Cup between Brazil and USA, and while the standard of play was quite good, the standard of refereeing was far from acceptable. Handball in the box not spotted, denying the US…

David Airey

A week or so back, I happened upon a great design related site by David Airey, a graphic designer based in Scotland (I think). I was admiring his logo designs and reviews and I was thinking how this is was…

Prolonged Hiatus is Over

I’m Back. Those of you that haven’t given up checking this site, or your feeds subscription may have been wondering where I’ve been. Hell, those of you that have stopped checking were probably thinking the same until they gave up…